We all feel uncomfortable admitting our weaknesses, especially when it comes to situations where we want to prove ourselves and do not want to appear to be 'stupid'. This often leaves people saying that they know the answer when in fact they do not. This can lead to mistakes and poor performance when a simple admission at the outset is in fact the way to get noticed and improve your performance.
Rather ask stupid questions than stay stupid
Admitting that you don't know the answer and asking questions shows that you want to learn and are not scared to put yourself out there to enhance your skills and knowledge. This builds your credibility and enhances your reputation. The truth is that you might feel you can 'wing it' but someone who is more experienced will probably see through you. This shows a level of arrogance and raises the question of honesty when in fact you had the best intentions and were only trying to prove your ability.
Reach out to others
Asking questions and enlisting the help of others not only helps you to learn more, it's a brilliant way to build collaborative work relationships. Good work relationships will take you far in your career and represent an excellent opportunity to gain practical knowledge and experience.
Standing out from the crowd
Being able to ask a question in a room full of your peers shows that you are bold and not afraid to stand out in a crowd. What better way to show your drive and ensure that you have all the information you need to excel?
If you are not afraid to stand out from the crowd and want to build your career in insurance and finance, call EAW today: 011 793 6780.